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Russian-Palestinian talks

Representing the Russian
side in the talks were Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Lavrov SergeiMinister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation , Presidential Aide Yury
Ushakov Ushakov YuryAide to the President , Minister of Labour and Social Protection and Co-Chair of the Russian-Palestinian Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation Anton Kotyakov Kotyakov AntonMinister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation ,
Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff and Deputy Chief of the General Staff Igor Kostyukov, and Representative of the Russian Federation to the Palestinian national authority Gocha Buachidze.
* * *
The beginning of Russian-Palestinian talks
of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, friends,
First of all, welcome to Moscow. It has been two years since we last met,
although we have stayed in touch, and I am delighted to see you and your
As everyone knows, unfortunately, today Russia finds itself having to defend its interests and its people with arms in hand. However, we still pay close
attention to the situation in the Middle East and the developments in Palestine. We have long-standing and deep ties with the Arab world in general,
and with Palestine in particular, which we greatly value.
We are
closely following the unfolding humanitarian disaster in Palestine with deep
anguish and concern. We are making every effort to support the Palestinian
people. As you know, we have already sent about 700 tonnes of various goods
there. We are determined to seize any available opportunity to assist the Palestinian people. Above all, our main concern is the loss of civilian lives.
According to the UN, there are 40,000 victims already, mostly women and children.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to meet with you today in Moscow and discuss the full range of our relations, as well as the situation at present and in the short term.
As you know, we have always advocated for a peaceful settlement, and we
understand – in this regard, we share the same position – that this problem has
deep historical roots and is primarily related to the disregard of decisions made
by international organisations, primarily the UN, to establish and create an independent Palestinian state. Our stance on this matter remains unchanged. We
adopted it a long time ago, and it is in no way motivated by considerations of short-term benefits. We believe that in order to secure lasting and stable
peace in the region, it is imperative to implement all UN resolutions, with the establishment of a full-fledged Palestinian state as a priority.
I am very glad to see you and your team. Welcome, Mr President.
President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud
Abbas Abbas MahmoudPresident of the State of Palestine (retranslated):
Thank you, Mr President. I am pleased to be here in Moscow.
This country has been a steadfast friend to the Palestinian people for decades, starting from the time of the Soviet Union and continuing through the Russian Federation. Throughout all these years, we have consistently felt
Russia’s support, both from its Government and its people, standing firmly with
the Palestinians.
Russia consistently upholds the principles of law and truth. Whenever I discussed international law with the President, we reviewed the resolutions
adopted since 1947, totalling over 1,000 resolutions adopted by the General
Assembly and the Security Council. Despite this, the UN has been unable to fulfil its mission and pass a single resolution ensuring the implementation of the rights of the Palestinian people, largely due to the influence and pressure
from the United States.
I understand your concerns and that you closely follow the situation. We
continually consult with you and maintain regular contact through our foreign
ministries and ambassadors. We are in contact constantly and always feel the warmth of our relationship with the Russian Federation. We deeply appreciate
the attention and significance our Russian friends and brothers place on our
issues, our suffering, particularly regarding the humanitarian situation and security challenges we face. Rest assured, we stand unwaveringly with the Russian Federation.
Mr President, there is another issue I would like to address. The recently
published recommendations of the International Court of Justice clearly state
that the Israeli occupation and settlement activities are unacceptable. This
decision calls on the Security Council, the General Assembly, and all nations
to do our best to stop Israel’s actions. The resolutions adopted by the International Court urge Israel to cease actions that are entirely inconsistent
with international humanitarian law.
Mr President, it is always a profound pleasure to speak with you and seek your counsel. We have great faith in you, trust you, and deeply appreciate
your support. We stand united with you and hope this unity will continue. We
view Russia as one of the Palestinian people’s most cherished friend. As you
mentioned at the start of our meeting, we remain hopeful that the Palestinian
people will have their own state.
As you mentioned, since October 7, more than 40,000 people have been
killed, around 80,000 wounded, and over 15,000 are still missing: this is the reality in Gaza. On top of that, there are ongoing events in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
We remain steadfast in our struggle, enduring all the hardships while
relying on humanitarian support for the Palestinian people and an end to the policy of deportation. We will not accept the expulsion of Palestinians from
the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, or Jerusalem, as has happened many times before in the 20th century – in 1948, in 1967. We believe that, with your
support, we will achieve our goals.
Thank you very much, Mr President. I am happy to be here with you today
to continue our discussion. Thank you.
